I was a victim of childhood abuse. At age forty I began an incredible journey of healing. Never did I realize how great an impact it would have on my life as well as so many others. The first few years were so emotionally wracking and it took courage to press through; at times, I felt as if life was all over for me.
Child abuse is so damaging to the psyche. People who have not had to endure its torture cannot even begin to understand the depth of devastation left in its wake. And because it is not seen as readily as a physical illness is, too many times victims are re-traumatized by the ignorant dismissal of those who are blind to these treacherous wounds to the heart and soul of a survivor.
I have overcome so much it is almost inconceivable.
I have come to believe that each new day is a gift- a new beginning. Each new moment is full of magic and wonder waiting for me to explore, new ways of being, new depths of living, new discoveries about this person that I am.
I am almost fifty. A LOT has happened the past fifty years.
Going from victim-hood to survivor to a THRIVER began with going from self-loathing, to self- love, to being my own BEST friend.
It is being committed to making the rest of my life the very BEST of my life!
Sharing the journey with others, because, we all need friends who understand and accept us just the way we are!